Daryl Hicks, a Vietnam veteran is seeking help to raise $1,500 for erecting flagpoles and displaying flags in Uhrichsville, PA, USA.
Hicks is attempting to buy six flagpoles, one to display the USA Flag and five more to display the various branches of the military.
The Vietnam War Memorial in Uhrichsville Park is to be dedicated on Memorial Day. The Memorial itself is being stored in Hicks' garage.
If you want a brick to be insribed for any Veteran (not just Vietnam), send a check for $50 per brick addressed to Daryl Hicks at 1099 Beech Street, Mount Vernon OH 43050, USA. Hicks can also be contacted on 740-501-7072.
People are asked to include the veteran’s name and area of military service for each brick. Hicks said for each $50 people can have up to three lines with 15 characters maximum per line inscribed.
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